What’s the Truth?

Shruti Pabboju
3 min readMar 22, 2019


The topmost result from Google. Period.

The story of how a search engine leads the story of our lives.

Photo by Agnieszka Boeske on Unsplash

Google saves the day, yet again. In fact, it saves every minute of every day.

Our personal assistant, our Calendar, our Alarm, our Note keeper and things I haven’t yet discovered. What can it not do? Not a lot.

Our generation has an unfair advantage of having knowledge at disposal, right at our fingertips. Quite literally if you think about it.

That hot guy who acted in hangover? Can’t remember his name? Let’s just google it. It’s Bradley Cooper by the way. Oh my god, how can you forget him? Come on!

On a fine Saturday morning, I had a troubling stomach ache. Not even that intense, just bad enough for me to lie around and do nothing. So, I googled.

“I have a stomach ache”

Now, let’s assume I’m smart enough to understand that it’s definitely not a Stomach Ulcer. It still got into my head though. I am thinking it might be a possibility. Of course, it isn’t. But that’s how the human brain operates and there is no getting around this.

I’ll let you in on a surprising thing most of us do not know about our brains.

The Human Brain cannot process a Negation

“I am not a bad person”

Photo by Tom Roberts on Unsplash

The subconscious brain does not take into account the “not” part of the statement. It registers it, saves it but does not use it. We’re all on autopilot mode most of the day anyway.

Oh my God, Is this true?! So what do we do?

In this age of misinformation, being aware of the data that we’re taking into our brains is the only solution to this. Not every Facebook page is Genuine, not every Google result is accurate, not every Instagram Quote can be applied to life.

Photo by Kate Torline on Unsplash

Every day we process more memory than the overall Instagram upload all over the world, we are inherently not aware of it and it would be unrealistic to expect ourselves to put into such high standards of observing everything. Just isn’t possible.

There is something we can do though, just a few things

  • Social Media detox every once in a while. Maybe two days a week, one week in a month, anything.
  • Clean the clutter. Clean what your feed displays. Unfollow/Follow. Refine your feed.
  • Stop googling for everything. You have a brain. Knock, knock! Take it on a test drive too sometimes.
  • Like the trusted clothing brand you always love to shop at, follow websites that you think have classified information and not conspiracy theories.

You get the idea.

The most important thing though,

“All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” — Blaise Pascal

Photo by Noah Silliman on Unsplash

Think for yourself, do not let any technology take over the power of thinking for yourself. Dictate your story by yourself, not by an algorithm.

That being said, embrace everything that all of our emerging technology has to offer. Just don’t let it strip your humanity away.

